Abstract Classes
DeciderType (abstract) : ScriptableObject
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Abstract base class for a Decider Type. All methods are virtual so the BaseDT is just an empty class
that uses all of the default implementations.
See Decider Guide Page.
Virtual Methods
public virtual Dictionary<DriveType, Plans> GetPlans(
Agent agent,
Dictionary currentDriveTypesRanked,
Plans previousPlans,
int previousPlansIndex,
bool previouslyInterrupted,
out DriveType currentDriveType
public virtual bool ShouldInterrupt(
Agent agent,
Mapping currentMapping,
float currentPlanUtility,
float lastReplanTime,
out float newReplanTime
public virtual bool ShouldPlan(
Mapping currentMapping
public virtual int ChooseNewPlan(
Agent agent,
Mapping currentMapping,
DriveType newDriveType,
Dictionary newPlans,
out DriveType selectedDriveType,
out Mapping newMapping,
out float bestUtility
public virtual int MaybeChangePlan(
Agent agent,
Mapping currentMapping,
DriveType newDriveType,
Dictionary newPlans,
out DriveType selectedDriveType,
out Mapping newMapping,
out float bestUtility
public virtual bool StartMapping(
Agent agent,
Mapping mapping
public virtual void MappingFinished(
Agent agent,
Mapping mapping
public virtual void InterruptMapping(
Agent agent,
Mapping currentMapping,
bool cameFromBehavior
public virtual void Setup(
List attributeTypes,
PlannerType plannerType
public virtual Dictionary DefaultPlans(
Agent agent,
out DriveType currentDriveType,
out Mapping newMapping
public virtual bool RecheckInputConditions(
Agent agent,
Mapping mapping
public virtual Mapping MaybeAddGoToMapping(
Mapping mapping
public virtual bool RunOutputChanges(
Agent agent,
Mapping mapping,
OutputChange.Timing timing,
Dictionary lastUpdateTimes = null
public virtual Dictionary RankDrives(
Dictionary drives