Abstract Classes
- AnimationType
- AttributeType
- BehaviorType
- ChangeConditionType
- DeciderType
- DriveTypeEquations
- Entity
- EntityType
- InputConditionType
- InputOutputType
- InteractionSpotType
- Level
- LevelType
- MemoryType
- MinMaxType
- MovementType
- OutputChangeType
- PlannerType
- SelectorFactor
- SensorType
- TargetFactor
- UtilityFunctionType
- UtilityModifierType
- Action
- Agent
- AgentEvent
- AgentEventType
- AgentType
- AgentTypeOverride
- Attribute
- Behavior
- ChangeCondition
- Choices
- ChoicesType
- Decider
- Drive
- DriveType
- EntityTrigger
- Faction
- GOAPPlannerManager
- GUIManager
- InputCondition
- InventorySlot
- InventorySlotCondition
- InventoryType
- ItemActionSkillModifier
- ItemAttributeTypeModifier
- ItemCondition
- ItemSoundEffects
- ItemVisualEffects
- Mapping
- MappingType
- MinMax
- MinMaxCurve
- NonRootMotionMovement
- OutputChange
- ParticleCollisionCreate
- PassEventsToEntity
- Plans
- Projectile
- Role
- RoleType
- RootMotionMovement
- Selector
- SelectorType
- SimpleCameraController
- Tag
- TagType
- TerrainActions
- TimeManager
- TotalAIManager
- TotalAISettings
- TypeCategory
- TypeGroup
- UtilityModifier
- WorldObject
- WorldObjectType
- InventoryRecipe
Scripts Documentation
These pages will be filled in at the end of Alpha as the code becomes more finalized.
These docs explain the fields and methods in all the major classes of Total AI.
For details on the Editor Inspectors see the Inspectors section.
Total AI is currently in Alpha so expect bugs/issues.