Type Matching

What is a Type Matching?

Total AI uses Type Categories and Type Groups to enable more generalized Type matching versus just matching on a specific Entity Type. This can be seen in various locations in TAI specifically in Input Conditions and Inventory Slots.

This will be seen in the UI as two fields, Match Type and [Match Type] Match. Match Type will be Type Group, Type Category, or Entity Type and then based on the one selected choose a Match.

Type Category

A Type Category is an almost empty ScriptableObject where only the name is used along with a parent Type Category field. The parent field allows Type Categories to be hierarchical, which allows for matching on all descendants. For example TAI's Quick Setup generates an "All" Type Category which is recommend to be the only Type Category with no parent. This was All will match every Entity Type. Every Entity Type can have any number of Type Categories. Type Categories are used in various locations in TAI.

See Type Category Inspector.

Type Group

Type Group is a more advanced matching method. It allows multiple Type Categories to be combined and then the ability to include or exclude specific Entity Types. If Type Categories can't capture the matching required, Type Groups can be used.

See Type Group Inspector.