
What is Inventory?

Every Entity can be carried by another Entity and/or carry another Entity. This allows for a very general inventory system. An Entity Type defines what InventorySlots an Entity has and also what InventorySlots the Entity can be in.

See Entity Type Inventory Inspector.

Inventory Type

Inventory Slot

An InventorySlot defines what, how much, and where Entities are stored. This is accomplished with the following fields:

  • SlotType: What kind of slot is it? Invisible, Location, or Skinned.
  • MaxNumber: How many Entities can be in this slot at once?
  • TypeCategories: Entities need what TypeCategory to be in this slot?
See Inventory Slot Inspector.

Default Slots And Can Be In Slots

Use these to have inventory modify attribute Types for an Action or at all times if Item Condition passes.

Transform Mappings

A Transform Mapping will change the transform (position, rotation, and scale) of an Entity when it is in a certain inventory slot. Order does matter as it will choose the first match. If there is no match the Prefab Variant's transform be used.

Attribute Type Modifiers

Use these to have inventory modify attribute Types for an Action or at all times if Item Condition passes.

Action Skill Modifiers

Use these to have inventory modify attribute Types for an Action or at all times if Item Condition passes.

Visual and Sound Effects

Use these to have inventory modify attribute Types for an Action or at all times if Item Condition passes.