AgentType : EntityType : ScriptableObject

What is an Agent Type?

An Agent Type contains the main configuration for an Agent. It inherits from Entity Type which is also the base class for World Object Type and Agent Event Type.

See Agent for more info.

Agent Type Custom Inspector

Entity Type Fields

See Entity Type for info on Entity Type Info, Prefab Variants, Placement Info, Tags, Inventory, and Entity Triggers.

Core Types

All of the major parts of an Agent are defined here. All of these and more can be overriden by using Agent Override Types.

Default Movement Type See Movement Type.
Default Animation Type See Animation Type.
Use Animator Overrides Should this Agent use the Animator Overrides feature? It dynamically changes the Animator Override Controller based on InputConditions.
See Animator Overrides below.
Idle Layer Integer for the layer that the Idle State is located on in the Animator.
Idle State String value for the Animator State name that should be considered idle.
Default Decider Type See Decider Type.
Default Memory Type See Memory Type.
Default History Type See History Type.
Default Utility Function Type See Utility Function Type.
Default No Plans Mapping Type If the planner is unable to find any plans, the decider will use this Mapping Type. Leave at None for the Agent to do nothing.
See Mapping Type.
Default No Plans Drive Type If the planner is unable to find any plans, the decider will use this Drive Type. This should be set if the Default No Plans Mapping Type is set. It is needed for history logging purposes.
See Drive Type.
Default Utility Function Type See Utility Function Type.
Max Num Detected Entities The maximum number of Entities that each Sensor Type can detect in one run.
Default Sensor Types What Sensors does this Agent have? The Sensors will be run in the order of this list. The frequency of running each sensor is defined in the Sensor Type.
See Sensor Type.

Drive Types

Drive Type Order of DriveTypes does not matter. See Drive Type.
Level The Agent will start the game with the Drive set to this level.
Change Per Game Hour The default change in drive level per game hour. The length of a game hour is set in the Scene's TimeManager.

Action Types

Action Type Order of Action Types does not matter.
See Action Type.
Level The Agent will start the game with the Action set to this level. An Action level or skill can be used as a measure of how good the Agent is at the Action Type.
Prob The default probablity of the Action level increasing after the Agent performs this Action Type.
Change Amount The default change amount in the Action level if the Action level increases.

Attribute Types

Attribute Type Order of Attribute Types does not matter.
See Attribute Type.
Value The Agent will start the game with the Attribute Type set to this value.
Range For MinMaxFloatATs this is the min and max values.

Animation Overrides

How Many Overrides? Each override must link to an Animator Override Controller .
Controller The Animator Override Controller . It should override the Agent's base Animator Controller.
How Many Conditions? For an Override to be applied all Conditions listed must be true.
Condition Index # Maps to the index of the Animation Overrides Conditions list below. Indexing starts at 0.
Animation Overrides Conditions List of Input Conditions used for Animation Overrides. These are almost identical to the Input Conditions used by Mapping Types except their Target Type is always set to Self. Also no Mapping will exist when Check is called so not all Input Condition Types will work.
See Input Conditions for Mapping Types for more information.