WorldObjectType : EntityType : ScriptableObject

What is a World Object Type?

A World Object Type contains the main configuration for a World Object. It inherits from Entity Type which is also the base class for Agent Type and Agent Event Type.

See World Object for more info.

World Object Type Custom Inspector

Entity Type Fields

See Entity Type for info on Entity Type Info, Prefab Variants, Placement Info, Tags, Inventory, and Entity Triggers.


Does this World Object grow or is it built?

Complete Type None, Built, or Grows
Items Consumed
Per Build
Currently Not Implemented.
Growth Rate How many game hours for one complete point? The length of a game hour is set in the Scene's TimeManager.
Points To Complete How many points are required to consider this World Object Completed?
Auto Scale The Game Object will be scaled in proportion to the complete percentage. At 100% the scale will be 1.


Can this World Object be damaged?

Can Be Damaged A Bool indicated that this World Object can be damaged.
Damage To Destroy How many points until the World Object is fully damaged?
Remove on Full Damage Should the World Object's Game Object be destroyed when fully damaged?


Does this World Object transition between states?

States Order of States does not matter.
Name String name of state. Capitalization matters.
Is Timed Does this state transition to a new state after X seconds/game minutes?
Has Enter
Output Changes
When entering this state should the selected Output Changes run? The OCs are below in the State Transition Output Changes and the indexing starts at 0.
Has Exit
Output Changes
When exiting this state should the selected Output Changes run? The OCs are below in the State Transition Output Changes and the indexing starts at 0.
State Transition
Output Changes
A list of Ouput Changes that can be run when entering or exiting a state. Slightly reduced set of options from the Mapping Type Output Changes. The target is always Entity Target which is this World Object.
Note: These OCs will be running on a World Object so the Agent will be null. Make sure the OCT can handle a null agent.

Skin Prefabs

Does the appearance of this World Object change? The first skin prefab that matches the conditions will show so order matters.

Skin Game
Object Name
The name of the Parent Game Object that holds the appearance Game Objects.
Change Type Replace Game Object: Removes child of Skin Game Object and replaces it with the selected Game Object.
Toggle Active: Just toggles Active state of children. See Enable Type, Disable Type, and Child Start Index below.
Enable Type Enables either the Skin Game Object's children or the children of their children.
Disable Type None, First, Previous - Which of the Skin Game Object's children should be disabled?
Child Start
What index to start at for enabling children?
Prefab Variant
Should this skin prefab only be available to one Prefab Variant? -1 to ignore. Index starts at 0.
Complete Range Certain number of complete points required? -1 to ignore.
Damage Range Certain number of damage points required? -1 to ignore.
Inventory Slot
List of Inventory Slot Conditions required to be in. Leave list empty to ignore.
See Inventory Slot Condition.
States List of States (See Section Above) required to be in. Leave list empty to ignore.


Can this World Object convert its inventory to new inventory?

Recipes A list of WOT Inventory Recipes.
See WOT Inventory Recipe.