
What is an OutputChange?

An Output Change is a plain serializable C# class. It is used by Mapping Types, Entity Triggers, and World Object Type's State Transitions. It holds the values used by its Output Change Type (OCT). The OCT defines what values are required and thus how to draw it in the Editor.

See Output Change Type.

Output Changes From Mapping Type

Output Change Type Defines what values are required and the logic of this Output Change.
See Output Change Type.
OCT Specific Fields The OCT uses its TypeInfo dictionary to state which values it requires. A full list of possible values can be seen on the OCT API page.
See Output Change Type.
Target Type What should the target be set to in the OCT's MakeChange? The options are: To Entity Target, To Self, To Inventory Target, or New Entity. If To Inventory Target is selected then a Inventory Type Group Match Index must be set. This references which Input Condition's inventory target to use.
Timing When should this OC run?
OnFinish: Runs right as Mapping finishes.
OnAnimationEvent: Runs when Animation Event "AnimationOutputChange" is called. Can handle multiple calls by using On Animation Event Occurence.
Repeating: Runs every X game minutes.
BeforeStart: Runs right before Mapping starts.
OnBehaviorInvoke: BehaviorType code will call run Ouput Change.
OnTriggerEnter: Runs when Agent enters its Entity Target's trigger.
OnCollisionEnter: Runs when Agent collides with its Entity Target's.
AfterGameMinutes: Runs once after X game minutes from start of Mapping.
OnInterrupt: Runs if Mapping is interrupted.
OnQuitAgentEvent: Runs if the Agent quits an Agent Event.
Change Conditions Logic to prevent Ouput Change from running.
See Change Condition Inspector
Stop Type Will failure of this output change cause the Mapping to end? Options are On Change Failed, On CC Failed, On Target Gone, or None. These cascade so for example On Target Gone only fails if target is gone and On CC Failed fails if target is gone or a Change Condition failed. An Output Change can fail if the OCT's MakeChange method returns false.
Block Make Change Forced Stop OCT's MakeChange can force a Mapping to end. If this is true the Output Change will ignore this force stop.
Recheck Input Conditions Indexes A List of which ICs should be rechecked right before making this change.
Stop On Recheck Fail If any of the rechecks fail should the Mapping end?