MappingType : ScriptableObject

What is a Mapping Type?

A Mapping Type defines the configuration and logic of a Mapping. A Mapping is one unit of planning or one action by an Agent.

Mapping Type Custom Inspector

Action Type Which Action Type does this Mapping Type belong to? The Mapping Type will use the settings in the Action Type including the Action Type's Behavior Type.
See Action Type.
Go To Action Type Special Action Type used to move the Agent within interaction distance to perform the Mapping Type. Can be left blank if no Go To is required.
See Action Type.
Filter Options Neither, Use Blacklist, or Use Whitelist: Allows for more control over Agent Types being able to perform this specific Mapping Type fi the Agent Type has this Mapping Type's Action Type.
Max Distance As Input Can be used to override the max distance as input from the Action Type and the Entity Type. Leave 0 to not override.
Entity Target Search Radius How far away can an Entity Target be to be considered a possible target? Leave 0 to not override the Action Type value.
Reevaluate Targets Force Mapping to get new targets right before running. This is only needed for running plans that chain Mappings together, such as the GOAP Planner.
Utility Modifiers Utility AI like modifiers for this Mapping Type.
See Utility Modifier.
Target Factors Utility AI like way to select an Entity Target. Weights do not need to add to one.
See Target Factor.
Inventory Target Factors Utility AI like way to select the inventory Entity Target(s). Weights do not need to add to one.
See Target Factor.
Input Conditions All Input Conditions must pass for the Agent to be able to perform this Mapping Type. If an Input Condition fails a planner can try to chain it to an Output Change from another Mapping Type. Currently only the GOAP Planner chains.
See Input Condition.
Output Changes What changes occur due to this Mapping Type? These can potentially "fix" a failed Input Condition if the Planner handles chaining ICs to OCs.
See Output Change.