Plain C# Classes
MappingType : ScriptableObject
What is a Mapping Type?
A Mapping Type defines the configuration and logic of a Mapping. A Mapping is one unit of planning or one action by an Agent.
Mapping Type Custom Inspector

Action Type |
Which Action Type does this Mapping Type belong to? The Mapping Type will use the settings in the Action Type
including the Action Type's Behavior Type.
See Action Type. |
Special Action Type used to move the Agent within interaction distance to perform the Mapping Type.
Can be left blank if no Go To is required.
See Action Type. |
Filter Options | Neither, Use Blacklist, or Use Whitelist: Allows for more control over Agent Types being able to perform this specific Mapping Type fi the Agent Type has this Mapping Type's Action Type. |
Max Distance As Input | Can be used to override the max distance as input from the Action Type and the Entity Type. Leave 0 to not override. |
Entity Target Search Radius | How far away can an Entity Target be to be considered a possible target? Leave 0 to not override the Action Type value. |
Reevaluate Targets | Force Mapping to get new targets right before running. This is only needed for running plans that chain Mappings together, such as the GOAP Planner. |
Utility Modifiers |
Utility AI like modifiers for this Mapping Type.
See Utility Modifier. |
Target Factors |
Utility AI like way to select an Entity Target. Weights do not need to add to one.
See Target Factor. |
Inventory Target Factors |
Utility AI like way to select the inventory Entity Target(s). Weights do not need to add to one.
See Target Factor. |
Input Conditions |
All Input Conditions must pass for the Agent to be able to perform this Mapping Type.
If an Input Condition fails a planner can try to chain it to an Output Change from another Mapping Type.
Currently only the GOAP Planner chains.
See Input Condition. |
Output Changes |
What changes occur due to this Mapping Type? These can potentially "fix" a failed Input Condition if
the Planner handles chaining ICs to OCs.
See Output Change. |