ItemCondition : ScriptableObject

What is an Item Condition?

An Item Condition represents conditionals on an inventory item. (Not to be confused with a condition such as new or worn.) Item Conditions are used in four spots in inventory: Attribute Type Modifiers, Action Skill Modifiers, Sound Effects, and Visual Effects. This allows these modifiers or effects to only occur when the Item Condition is met.

See the inventory section of the Entity Type Inspector.

Item Condition Custom Inspector

Modifier Type Used, Equipped, or In Inventory. These cascade so that if an item is Used it is also Equipped and In Inventory and if Equipped the item is also In Inventory. Used is determined by the Action Type defining which Inventory Slots are used by this Action Type. Equipped is defined in the Can Be In Inventory Slots section on the Entity Type.
Is Target Does the Entity need to be the target of the Action Type?
Action Types What if any Action Type does the Agent Inventory Owner have to be performing?
Other Action Types What if any Action Type does the Agent Targeting the Entity Inventory Owner have to be performing?
Inventory Slots Does the item need to be in a certain Inventory Slot?
Agent Type Constraints Do Agent Inventory Owners have to be specific Agent Types and/or specific Prefab Variants of these Agent Types?